I. Introduction

Boulder County is located in state of Colorado and its estimated population as of 2019 was just over 326,000 according to the US Census. The county is surrounded by mountains in the west, plains in the east and natural trough that runs between the plains and foothills. With visionary open space, land use and sustainability policies to forward-thinking and compassionate human services programs. Boulder is known for its public schools and safe neighborhoods, making its housing maker desirable. The county has one of the best and most stable housing markets despite only 48% home ownership. Even with contrasting property tax at 0.61%, and median income higher than the national average, the cost of living is higher than most US cities and its considered on of the most desirable places to live in. How then, with this information, can we predict the housing market? This analysis pulls relevant open source data from Boulder’s Open Data portal and Tigris in attempt to build an optimized predictive model using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression.

II. Data

To start off, we collect and trim the data from various sources to best suit our projections. From the Census American Community Survey, we download demographic data at the tract level. We pull median income, median rent, population living bellow poverty line, percent married householders, population count with a bachelors degree, aggregate travel time to work per tracts, and percent white population. Along with the census features, we will be using proximity to trailheads, business, commercial, historical wildfire data, lakes and reservoirs, areas of flooding etc to understand the correlation between sales price of housing and these features. We expect both positive and negative correlations from these demographic and geographic predictors. We will be using this data to rank or appropriate the cost of housing depending on its proximity to these features. For example, a house close to a trailhead indicates proximity to recreation and we would expect higher house value as opposed to a house which is located in or near a flood zone.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

#Setup Install Libraries

root.dir = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/urbanSpatial/Public-Policy-Analytics-Landing/master/DATA/"


options(tigris_class = "sf")
options(tigris_use_cache = TRUE)

qBr <- function(df, variable, rnd) {
  if (missing(rnd)) 
                          c(.01,.2,.4,.6,.8), na.rm=T))
  else if (rnd == FALSE | rnd == F) 
                                  c(.01,.2,.4,.6,.8), na.rm=T), digits = 3))}

q5 <- function(variable) {
  as.factor(ntile(variable, 5))}

mapTheme <- function(base_size = 12) {
    text = element_text( color = "black"),
    plot.title = element_text(size = 16,colour = "black"),
    axis.ticks = element_blank(),
    panel.background = element_blank(),axis.title = element_blank(),
    axis.text = element_blank(),
    axis.title.x = element_blank(),
    axis.title.y = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
    panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill=NA, size=2),
    strip.text.x = element_text(size = 14)

plotTheme <- function(base_size = 12) {
    text = element_text( color = "black"),
    plot.title = element_text(size = 16,colour = "black"),
    plot.subtitle = element_text(face="italic"),
    plot.caption = element_text(hjust=0),
    axis.ticks = element_blank(),
    panel.background = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.major = element_line("grey80", size = 0.1),
    panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
    panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill=NA, size=2),
    strip.background = element_rect(fill = "grey80", color = "white"),
    strip.text = element_text(size=12),
    axis.title = element_text(size=12),
    axis.text = element_text(size=10),
    plot.background = element_blank(),
    legend.background = element_blank(),
    legend.title = element_text(colour = "black", face = "italic"),
    legend.text = element_text(colour = "black", face = "italic"),
    strip.text.x = element_text(size = 14)

paletteMap <- c("#DBE9F5", "#AFC6D9", "#83A3BE", "#5880A2", "#003A6B")
palette5 <- c("#25CB10", "#5AB60C", "#8FA108",   "#C48C04", "#FA7800")
#Load Student Data
StudentData <- st_read("studentData.geojson",crs = 'ESRI:102254')%>%

census_api_key("3909c4b14d693e1a81c3e86c9cfc3b22fc112324", overwrite = TRUE, install = TRUE)

#Call Census Variables
#Median Income - B19013_001 
#Median Rent - B25058_001 
#Total Below 100 percent poverty level - B06012_002 
#Total Married Couple Households - B11012_002
#Total Unmarried Female Householder - B11012_008
#Total Unmarried Male Householder - B11012_013
#Total With a Bachelors Degree - B15003_022
#Aggregate Travel Time to Work per tracts -B08013_001
#Total Population - B25026_001 
#Total Race - White - B02001_002, Black - B02001_003

tracts19 <- { 
  get_acs(geography = "tract", variables = c("B19013_001E", "B25058_001E", "B06012_002E",
                                             "B15003_022E", "B08013_001E", "B25026_001E",
                                             "B02001_002E", "B02001_003E", "B11012_002E",
                                             "B11012_008E", "B11012_013E"), 
          state='CO', county='Boulder County', geometry=T, output = "wide") %>% 
    dplyr::select( -NAME,-B19013_001M,-B25058_001M,-B06012_002M,
                   -B02001_002M, -B02001_003M, -B11012_002M,
                   -B11012_008M, -B11012_013M)%>%
    rename(MedHHInc = B19013_001E, 
           MedRent = B25058_001E,
           BelPov100 = B06012_002E,
           TotalBach = B15003_022E,
           TravelTime = B08013_001E,
           TotalPop = B25026_001E, 
           TotalWhite = B02001_002E)%>%
    mutate(PctWhite = round((TotalWhite /TotalPop),2),
           PctMarried = round(B11012_002E/(B11012_008E + B11012_013E),2))%>%
    dplyr::select(-B11012_008E,-B11012_013E, -B02001_003E, -B11012_002E)}

Trailhead <- st_read("Boulder_Area_Trailheads.geojson",crs = 'EPSG:4326')%>%
#Create column which counts how many trailheads are within 1/2 mi from each home sale
StudentData <- StudentData%>%
  mutate(NumTrailHeads =(st_buffer(StudentData, 2640) %>% 
                dplyr::select(geometry)), counter = 1),.,sum)%>%pull(counter)))
StudentData$NumTrailHeads[is.na(StudentData$NumTrailHeads)] <- 0
Wildfire_History <-  st_read("Wildfire_History.geojson",crs = 'EPSG:4326')%>%
  dplyr::select(OBJECTID, NAME, geometry)

#create 1/4 mile buffer intervals
 wf_buffer_25 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(Wildfire_History, 1320)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "Wildfire Buffer")
 wf_buffer_5 <- 
   st_union(st_buffer(Wildfire_History, 2640)) %>% st_sf() %>%
   mutate(Legend = "Wildfire Buffer")
 wf_buffer_75 <- 
   st_union(st_buffer(Wildfire_History, 3690)) %>% st_sf() %>%
   mutate(Legend = "Wildfire Buffer")
 wf_buffer_1 <- 
   st_union(st_buffer(Wildfire_History, 5280)) %>% st_sf() %>%
   mutate(Legend = "Wildfire Buffer")
#create wildfire_risk column 1 if within 1/2 mi. 0 if not
#StudentData <- {
#  StudentData[wildfire_buffer,] %>%
#    st_drop_geometry() %>%
#    mutate(wildfire_risk = 1,
#           wildfire_risk = replace_na(wildfire_risk,0))%>%
#    full_join(StudentData)%>%
#    st_sf()}
#StudentData$wildfire_risk[is.na(StudentData$wildfire_risk)] <- 0

GeoHazard <-  st_read("Geological_Hazard_Corridor.geojson", crs = 'EPSG:4326')%>%
  dplyr::select(OBJECTID, geometry)

#Identify home sales that are within a quarter mile of 
#geological hazard reports 
#geohazard_buffer <-   
#  st_union(st_buffer(GeoHazard, 1320)) %>%
#  st_sf() %>%
#  mutate(Legend = "GeoHazard Buffer")

geo_buffer_25 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(GeoHazard, 1320)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "GeoHazardBuffer")
geo_buffer_5 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(GeoHazard, 2640)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "GeoHazardBuffer")
geo_buffer_75 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(GeoHazard, 3690)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "GeoHazard Buffer")
geo_buffer_1 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(GeoHazard, 5280)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "GeoHazardBuffer")
#create geohazard_risk column 1 if within 1/4 mi. 0 if not
#StudentData <- {
#  StudentData[geohazard_buffer,] %>%
#    st_drop_geometry() %>%
#    mutate(geohazard_risk = 1,
#           geohazard_risk = replace_na(geohazard_risk,0))%>%
#    full_join(StudentData)%>%
#    st_sf()}

#Streams <- st_read("onlynaturalstreams.geojson",crs = 'EPSG:4326')%>%
#  st_transform('EPSG:26913')%>% drop_na()

#Identify home sales that are within a quarter of streams
#Streams_buffer <-   
#  st_union(st_buffer(Streams, 1320)) %>%
#  st_sf() %>%
#  mutate(Legend = "Streams Buffer")

#create stream_proximity column 1 if within 1/4 mi. 0 if not
#StudentData <- {
#  StudentData[Streams_buffer,] %>%
#    st_drop_geometry() %>%
#    mutate(stream_proximity = 1,
#    stream_proximity = replace_na(stream_proximity,0))%>%
#    full_join(StudentData)%>%
#    st_sf()}

Lakes_Reservoir <- st_read("Lakes_and_Reservoirs.geojson",crs = 'EPSG:4326')%>%
  dplyr::select(FeatureType, Acreage, geometry)%>%

#identify home sales within quarter mile of a lake or reservoir that is 
#larger than 1 acre
lake_buffer_25 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(Lakes_Reservoir, 1320)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "LakeBuffer")
lake_buffer_5 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(Lakes_Reservoir, 2640)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "LakeBuffer")
lake_buffer_75 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(Lakes_Reservoir, 3690)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "LakeBuffer")
lake_buffer_1 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(Lakes_Reservoir, 5280)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "LakeBuffer")
#create lake proximity column
#StudentData <- {
#  StudentData[lake_buffer,] %>%
#    st_drop_geometry() %>%
#    mutate(lake_proximity = 1,
#           lake_proximity = replace_na(lake_proximity,0))%>%
#    full_join(StudentData)%>%
#    st_sf()}

FloodZone <- st_read("Flood_Areas.geojson",crs = 'EPSG:4326')%>%
  dplyr::select(OBJECTID, geometry)

#identify home sales within quarter mile of a flood event
#FloodZone_buffer <-
#  st_union(st_buffer(FloodZone, 1320)) %>%
#  st_sf() %>%
#  mutate(Legend = "Flood Buffer")
fl_buffer_25 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(FloodZone, 1320)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "FloodZone")
fl_buffer_5 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(FloodZone, 2640)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "FloodZone")
fl_buffer_75 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(FloodZone, 3690)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "FloodZone")
fl_buffer_1 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(FloodZone, 5280)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "FloodZone")

#create flood proximity column
#StudentData <- {
#  StudentData[FloodZone_buffer,] %>%
#    st_drop_geometry() %>%
#    mutate(flood_risk = 1,
#           flood_risk = replace_na(flood_risk,0))%>%
#    full_join(StudentData)%>%
#    st_sf()}

# Business + Commercial 
Business <- st_read("Zoning_Districts.geojson",crs = 'EPSG:4326')%>%
  filter(ZONEDESC =='Business')%>%
  dplyr::select(geometry, ZONEDESC)
Commercial <- st_read("Zoning_Districts.geojson",crs = 'EPSG:4326')%>%
  filter(ZONEDESC =='Commercial')%>%
  dplyr::select(geometry, ZONEDESC)
BusinessCommercial <- rbind(Business, Commercial)

BC_buffer_25 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(BusinessCommercial, 1320)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "Business Buffer")
BC_buffer_5 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(BusinessCommercial, 2640)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "Business Buffer")
BC_buffer_75 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(BusinessCommercial, 3690)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "Business Buffer")
BC_buffer_1 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(BusinessCommercial, 5280)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "Business Buffer")

#general Industrial
Industrial1 <- st_read("Zoning_Districts.geojson",crs = 'EPSG:4326')%>%
  filter(ZONEDESC =='General Industrial')%>%
  dplyr::select(geometry, ZONEDESC)
Industrial2 <- st_read("Zoning_Districts.geojson",crs = 'EPSG:4326')%>%
  filter(ZONEDESC =='Light Industrial')%>%
  dplyr::select(geometry, ZONEDESC)
Industrial <- rbind(Industrial1, Industrial2)

I_buffer_25 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(Industrial, 1320)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "Industrial Buffer")
I_buffer_5 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(Industrial, 2640)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "Industrial Buffer")
I_buffer_75 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(Industrial, 3690)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "Industrial Buffer")
I_buffer_1 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(Industrial, 5280)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "Industrial Buffer")

Ag <-  st_read("Zoning_Districts.geojson",crs = 'EPSG:4326')%>%
  filter(ZONEDESC =='Agricultural')%>%
  dplyr::select(geometry, ZONEDESC)

AG_buffer_25 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(Ag, 1320)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "AG Buffer")
AG_buffer_5 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(Ag, 2640)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "AG Buffer")
AG_buffer_75 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(Ag, 3690)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "AG Buffer")
AG_buffer_1 <- 
  st_union(st_buffer(Ag, 5280)) %>% st_sf() %>%
  mutate(Legend = "AG Buffer")

Zoning <- st_read("Zoning_Districts.geojson",crs = 'EPSG:4326')%>%
Exploratory analysis

Our raw data is pulled in and manipulated appropriately to accurately reflect each variables relationship to the home sale price. We first count the number of trailheads within a 1/2 mile buffer of each home sale. This count becomes a feature in our predictive model. We next use the nearest neighbor function to calculate average distance between a home sales 5 nearest neighbors to respective features i.e. historical wildfire sites, historical geological hazard sites, flood zones, lakes and reservoirs, and types of zoning such as agricultural, commercial and industrial. A lower mean of the nearest neighbor variables indicates closer proximity of house sales to these features (table 1).

st_c <- st_coordinates
StudentData <-
  StudentData %>%
    wildfire.nn = nn_function(st_c(st_centroid(StudentData)),st_c(st_centroid(Wildfire_History)), 5),
    geohazard.nn = nn_function(st_c(st_centroid(StudentData)),st_c(st_centroid(GeoHazard)), 5),
    lakes.nn = nn_function(st_c(st_centroid(StudentData)),st_c(st_centroid(Lakes_Reservoir)),5),
    floodzone.nn = nn_function(st_c(st_centroid(StudentData)),st_c(st_centroid(FloodZone)),5),
    Ag.nn = nn_function(st_c(st_centroid(StudentData)),st_c(st_centroid(Ag)),5),
    Industrial.nn = nn_function(st_c(st_centroid(StudentData)),st_c(st_centroid(Industrial)),5), 
    Business.nn = nn_function(st_c(st_centroid(StudentData)),st_c(st_centroid(BusinessCommercial)),5))

#Join ACS data to StudentData
StudentData <-
  st_join(StudentData, tracts19)

#Air Condition Categories
StudentData$AcDscr[is.na(StudentData$Ac)] <- 'No AC'

StudentData <-
  StudentData %>%
  mutate(HouseAge = ifelse(is.na(builtYear), 0, (2021 - builtYear)))

#car storage space
StudentData$carStorageSF[is.na(StudentData$carStorageSF)] <- 0
StudentData <-
  StudentData %>%
  mutate(carStorage = case_when(
    carStorageSF == 0     ~ "No car Storage",
    carStorageSF> 0 & carStorageSF< 1000 ~ "Small",
    carStorageSF >= 2000 ~ "Large"))

#home sale has $3 million with low square footage - determine to be data entry mistake
#omit outlier data observation 
StudentData <-StudentData %>%
  filter(!MUSA_ID == '8735')

#Clean Up data set to include only variables of interest
HouseData<- StudentData %>%
         -ExtWallDscrSec,-ExtWallSec, -IntWall, -Roof_Cover,-Roof_CoverDscr,-Stories,-UnitCount,-status_cd)

HouseDataDescr <- HouseData %>%
  dplyr::select("price", "designCodeDscr", "qualityCodeDscr", "bsmtSF", "carStorageSF", "nbrBedRoom", 
                "TotalFinishedSF","AcDscr", "HeatingDscr", "NumTrailHeads","wildfire.nn","geohazard.nn",
                "lakes.nn","floodzone.nn","Ag.nn","Industrial.nn","Business.nn", "MedHHInc", "MedRent",
                "BelPov100", "TotalBach","TravelTime","PctWhite","PctMarried","HouseAge")%>%
          header = FALSE,
          single.row = TRUE,
          title="Table 1: Descriptive Statistics for Boulder Homes")
## Table 1: Descriptive Statistics for Boulder Homes
## ===================================================================================
## Statistic         N      Mean    St. Dev.    Min    Pctl(25)  Pctl(75)      Max    
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## price           11,263 746,382.6 543,873.5 10,000.0 452,700.0 831,320.5 7,350,000.0
## bsmtSF          11,363   743.8     627.4      0        134      1,125      4,534   
## carStorageSF    11,363   471.9     235.9      0        380       600       3,040   
## nbrBedRoom      11,363    3.4       1.1       0         3         4         24     
## TotalFinishedSF 11,363  1,955.5    892.6      0       1,276    2,443.5    10,188   
## NumTrailHeads   11,363    6.9       7.2       0         2         9         42     
## wildfire.nn     11,363 12,023.0   5,201.8  1,006.3   7,572.6  16,330.5   20,816.9  
## geohazard.nn    11,363  6,465.7   3,594.5   150.0    3,623.3   9,591.9   13,438.7  
## lakes.nn        11,363  1,940.6    901.3    335.4    1,394.8   2,267.1    7,299.7  
## floodzone.nn    11,363  3,012.2   2,058.3   266.5    1,616.8   3,709.5   17,553.6  
## Ag.nn           11,363  3,835.5   4,043.1   314.6    1,596.8   4,508.6   29,710.4  
## Industrial.nn   11,363  5,243.5   3,783.0   532.7    3,148.0   6,084.5   29,351.7  
## Business.nn     11,363  6,266.5   1,979.7   105.5    5,015.0   7,268.8   21,185.4  
## MedHHInc        11,363 97,723.0  25,090.3   23,699   82,398    120,717    173,500  
## MedRent         11,363  1,541.9    403.9     745      1,275     1,733      3,000   
## BelPov100       11,363   482.5     393.3      40       227       724       3,202   
## TotalBach       11,363  1,467.7    757.2     227       899      1,766      3,213   
## TravelTime      11,363 71,130.4  38,236.1   13,635   46,945    84,165     166,290  
## PctWhite        11,363    0.9       0.1      0.8       0.9       0.9        3.3    
## PctMarried      11,363    1.5       0.7      0.1       1.0       2.0        4.3    
## HouseAge        11,363   33.8      26.8       0        15        49         161    
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
corrPlotVars <- HouseData %>%
  dplyr::select(-saleDate, -year, -designCode, -qualityCode,-HeatingDscr,
                -ExtWallDscrPrim, -IntWallDscr, -MUSA_ID, -toPredict,-GEOID,
                -TotalPop, -TotalWhite)

numericVars <-
  select_if(st_drop_geometry(corrPlotVars), is.numeric) %>% 

correlation.matrix <- cor(numericVars)

          title="Correlation Matrix of Predictive Variables for Boulder Homes", 
          caption = 'table 2', 
          out = "correlation.matrix.txt")
Correlation across numeric variables

The purpose of Linear OLS Regression is to predict the sale price in relation to various features. It helps use to understand which of the feature have a positive and which have a negative correlation to the sale price. While OLS does not account for the spatial condition of our dependent variable, we will be using this regression for the purpose of this analysis, and generate features that may account for the spatial aspect of our data in a latter part of this analysis. Correlation is an important form of exploratory analysis, identifying features that may be useful for predicting sale price. In this section, correlation is visualized and estimated. The correlation matrix (Figure. 1) below is a good first look at the relationship between our dependent variable, sale price, and our predictive variables. This plot also gives us an understanding of the predictive variables relationships to themselves. We are looking out for multicollinearity, where two predictive features are highly correlated to each other, in which case we should choose one to put in the model to avoid unstable regression coefficients and overfitting.

  round(cor(numericVars), 1),
  p.mat = cor_pmat(numericVars),
  colors = c("#25CB10", "white", "#FA7800"),
  insig = "blank") +  
  labs(title = "Figure. 1: Sale Price Correlation with Numeric Variables") +

A normal distribution of variable observations is one of the assumptions of OLS regression. Below, we analyze the histograms of original data of selected variables and compare them to the log transformation of each. We see that the log transformed variable of price and lakes have a more normal distribution, meeting our assumption. We will use the log transformed data for these variables in our regression.

#just a sample of the data we looked at to check to see if the distributions were normal. histograms of our dependent and predictor variables 
HouseData$LNprice = log(HouseData$price+1)
HouseData$LNlakes.nn <- log(HouseData$lakes.nn+1)
HouseData$LNTotalSF <- log(HouseData$TotalFinishedSF+1)
HouseData$LNAg <- log(HouseData$Ag.nn+1)
HouseData$LNIndustry <- log(HouseData$Industrial.nn+1)
#plot log transformed histograms
histprice <- histogram( ~ price +LNprice,layout=c(2,1),data = HouseData,
                      main='Distribution of Sale Price', xlab='Original Data (left) log transformed data (right)', col="#B3CDE3", breaks = 25, scales='free')

histlake <- histogram( ~ lakes.nn +LNlakes.nn,layout=c(2,1),data = HouseData,
                      main='Distribution of \nNearest Neighbor to Lakes', xlab='Original Data (left) log transformed data (right)', col="#B3CDE3", breaks = 25, scales='free')

histSF <- histogram( ~ TotalFinishedSF +LNTotalSF,layout=c(2,1),data = HouseData,
                      main='Distribution of \nTotal Square Footage', xlab='Original Data (left) log transformed data (right)', col="#B3CDE3", breaks = 25, scales='free')

histAG <- histogram( ~ Ag.nn +LNAg,layout=c(2,1),data = HouseData,
                      main='Distribution of \nNearest Neighbor to Agricultural Zoning', xlab='Original Data (left) log transformed data (right)', sub= 'Figure. 2', col="#B3CDE3", breaks = 25, scales='free')

histI <- histogram( ~ Industrial.nn +LNIndustry,layout=c(2,1),data = HouseData,
                      main='Distribution of \nNearest Neighbor to Industrial Zoning', xlab='Original Data (left) log transformed data (right)', col="#B3CDE3", breaks = 25, scales='free')

grid.arrange(histprice, histlake, histSF, histI, ncol=2, nrow=2)

The scatter plots show us more details about the relationships between predictors and the dependent variable. In figures 3.1 - 3.4, we select a few variables from our correlation matrix to take a closer look at. The relationship between travel time to work and sale price per tract, as indicated by figure 3.1, shows us a slightly negative relationship, but also allows us to see the census tract where the homes have an above average travel time to work, and a relatively lower average house price. In addition, we see here, as the correlation matrix indicated, there is virtually no relationship between percent of homeowners who are married and a sale price.

Something particularly interesting is the linear relationship of percent white population and sale price. This relationship will display as high correlation on the matrix, but through the scatter plot we can see there are two outlying data points that may be mistakes. If we were to remove these outlying home sale price observations, our line of best fit would most likely still be positive but be a more realistic and accurate representation of the relationship of percent white to average house price per census tract.

#separating data between test set and training set
knownSales <- HouseData %>%    
  filter(.,toPredict == 0)
toPredictSales <- HouseData %>%
  filter(.,toPredict ==1)

#remove data observation that is out liar
knownSales <- knownSales%>%
  filter(MUSA_ID != 8197)

#Pearson Correlation Tests and Linear Relationship Plots

cor.test(knownSales$bsmtSF, knownSales$price, method = "pearson")
#marginal pearsons r of .21 but statistically significant

bsmtSFplot <- ggplot(data = knownSales, aes(x = bsmtSF, y = price)) +
  geom_point(size=2, shape=20)  +
  labs(x = 'Basement Square Footage',
       y = 'House Price',
       title = "Basement Square Footage \nand Sale Price", 
       subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
       caption = "Figure. 3.1") +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se=F, colour = "green") +

cor.test(knownSales$carStorageSF, knownSales$price, method = "pearson")
#marginal correlation value of .25 but statistically significant

carSFplot <- ggplot(data = knownSales, aes(x = carStorageSF, y = price)) +
  geom_point(size=2, shape=20)  +
  labs(x = 'Car Storage Square Footage',
       y = 'House Price',
       title = "Car Storage Square Footage \nand Sale Price", 
       subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
       caption = "Figure. 3.2") +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se=F, colour = "green") +

#total finished square footage 
cor.test(knownSales$TotalFinishedSF, knownSales$price, method = "pearson")
#pearsons r of .49 and statistically significant 

TSFplot <- ggplot(data = knownSales, aes(x = TotalFinishedSF, y = price)) +
  geom_point(size=2, shape=20)  +
  labs(x = 'Total Finished Square Footage',
       y = 'House Price',
       title = "Total Finished Square Footage \nand Sale Price", 
       subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
       caption = "Figure. 3.3") +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se=F, colour = "green") +

#travel time and sale price correlation 
cor.test(knownSales$TravelTime, knownSales$price, method = "pearson")
#negative pearsons r - weak correlation but statistically significant

TTplot <- ggplot(data = knownSales, aes(x = TravelTime, y = price)) +
  geom_point(size=2, shape=20)  +
  labs(x = 'Aggregate Travel Time to Work',
       y = 'House Price',
       title = "Travel Time to Work \nand Sale Price", 
       subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
       caption = "Figure. 3.1") +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se=F, colour = "orange") +
#correlation has a slightly negative relationship. 

#Median rent and home price
cor.test(knownSales$MedRent, knownSales$price, method = "pearson")
#weak correlation but statistically significant

RentPlot <- ggplot(data = knownSales, aes(x = MedRent, y = price)) +
  geom_point(size=2, shape=20)  +
  labs(x = 'Median Rent',
       y = 'House Price',
       title = "Median Rent and Sale Price", 
       subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
       caption = "Figure. 3.5") +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se=F, colour = "green") +

#household income and home price
cor.test(knownSales$MedHHInc, knownSales$price, method = "pearson")
#marginal pearsons r of .18 and statistically significant 

HHIncplot<- ggplot(data = knownSales, aes(x = MedHHInc, y = price)) +
  geom_point(size=2, shape=20)  +
  labs(x = 'Median Household Income',
       y = 'House Price',
       title = "Median Household Income \nand Sale Price", 
       subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
       caption = "Figure. 3.2") +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se=F, colour = "orange") +

#percent married folks and home price
cor.test(knownSales$PctMarried, knownSales$price, method = "pearson")
#very weak correlation, almost none

MarriedPlot <- ggplot(data = knownSales, aes(x = PctMarried, y = price)) +
  geom_point(size=2, shape=20)  +
  labs(x = 'Percent Married',
       y = 'House Price',
       title = "Percent of Homeowners with \nMarried Status and Sale Price", 
       subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
       caption = "Figure. 3.3") +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se=F, colour = "orange") +

#plot percent white and home price
cor.test(knownSales$PctWhite, knownSales$price, method = "pearson")
#very weak correlation

Whiteplot<-  ggplot(data = knownSales, aes(x = PctWhite, y = price)) +
  geom_point(size=2, shape=20)  +
  labs(x = 'Percent White',
       y = 'House Price',
       title = "Percent White Population \nand Sale Price", 
       subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
       caption = "Figure. 3.4") +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se=F, colour = "orange") +

HouseData <- HouseData %>%
  filter(MUSA_ID != 916)%>%filter(MUSA_ID != 4389)

knownSales <- HouseData %>%    
  filter(.,toPredict == 0)
toPredictSales <- HouseData %>%
  filter(.,toPredict ==1)
#show grid plot in markdown
grid.arrange(TTplot, HHIncplot, MarriedPlot, Whiteplot, ncol=2, nrow =2)

The series of maps below further examines the relationships between variables, sale prices and space by plotting a radial buffer at quarter mile intervals from each geographical predictor, as well as plotting points which indicate house sales, where darker values represent higher sale prices. Buffers in red indicate variables we would expect to have a negative affect on house price. Buffers in green indicate variables we would expect to have a positive affect on house price. As we can see, not all of our expectations are met, which may have to do with other variables such as demographic or internal features. We will check the significance of these predictors in our regression model. (Note: The buffers on these maps are used only for visual purposes only and are not indicative of how we aggregated proximity to geographic features in our regression model. Again, we calculated the average distance to each feature of the 5 nearest neighbors for each home price, which is not illustrated by the map)

wfplot<- ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data= tracts19, fill = 'grey99', color = 'black')+
  geom_sf(data = Wildfire_History,fill = 'red',alpha = .75) +  
  geom_sf(data = wf_buffer_25,fill = 'red',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = wf_buffer_5,fill = 'red',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = wf_buffer_75,fill = 'red',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = wf_buffer_1,fill = 'red',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = knownSales, aes(colour = q5(price)),
          size = .4) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = paletteMap)+
  labs(title = "House Proximity to Wildfire Risk \nand Sale Price", 
       subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
       caption = 'figure 4.1') +
  mapTheme()+ theme_ipsum_rc()
cor.test(knownSales$wildfire.nn, knownSales$price, method = "pearson")

#Lakes Map
lakeplot<- ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data= tracts19, fill = 'grey99', color = 'black')+
  geom_sf(data = Lakes_Reservoir, fill = 'green', alpha = .85) +  
  geom_sf(data = lake_buffer_25,fill = 'green',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = lake_buffer_5,fill = 'green',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = lake_buffer_75,fill = 'green',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = lake_buffer_1,fill = 'green',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = knownSales, aes(colour = q5(price)),
          size = .4) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = paletteMap)+
  labs(title = "House Proximity to Lakes and Reservoirs \nand Sale Price" ,
       subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
       caption = 'figure 4.2') +
cor.test(knownSales$lakes.nn, knownSales$price, method = "pearson")

#Geohazard Plot
geoplot<- ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data= tracts19, fill = 'grey99', color = 'black')+
  geom_sf(data = GeoHazard, color= 'red', fill = 'red', alpha = .85) +  
  geom_sf(data = geo_buffer_25,fill = 'red',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = geo_buffer_5,fill = 'red',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = geo_buffer_75,fill = 'red',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = geo_buffer_1,fill = 'red',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = knownSales, aes(colour = q5(price)),
          size = .4) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = paletteMap)+
  labs(title = "House Proximity to Geological \nHazard Sites and Sale Price", 
       subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
       caption = 'figure 4.3') +
cor.test(knownSales$geohazard.nn, knownSales$price, method = "pearson")

#FloodRisk Plot
floodplot<- ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data= tracts19, fill = 'grey99', color = 'black')+
  geom_sf(data = FloodZone,color = 'red',fill = 'red', alpha = .85) +  
  geom_sf(data = fl_buffer_25,fill = 'red',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = fl_buffer_5,fill = 'red',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = fl_buffer_75,fill = 'red',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = fl_buffer_1,fill = 'red',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = knownSales, aes(colour = q5(price)),
          size = .4) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = paletteMap)+
  labs(title = "House Proximity to Flood Zone \nand Sale Price", 
       subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
       caption = 'figure 4.4') +
cor.test(knownSales$floodzone.nn, knownSales$price, method = "pearson")

#Business and Commercial Zoning
Businessplot<- ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data= tracts19, fill = 'grey99', color = 'black')+
  geom_sf(data = BusinessCommercial,color = 'green',fill = 'green', alpha = .85) +  
  geom_sf(data = BC_buffer_25,fill = 'green',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = BC_buffer_5,fill = 'green',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = BC_buffer_75,fill = 'green',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = BC_buffer_1,fill = 'green',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = knownSales, aes(colour = q5(price)),
          size = .4) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = paletteMap)+
  labs(title = "House Proximity to Business Zoning \nand Sale Price", 
       subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
       caption = 'figure 4.5') +
cor.test(knownSales$Business.nn, knownSales$price, method = "pearson")

#Industrial Zoning
Industryplot<- ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data= tracts19, fill = 'grey99', color = 'black')+
  geom_sf(data = Industrial,color = 'red',fill = 'red', alpha = .85) +  
  geom_sf(data = I_buffer_25,fill = 'red',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = I_buffer_5,fill = 'red',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = I_buffer_75,fill = 'red',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = I_buffer_1,fill = 'red',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = knownSales, aes(colour = q5(price)),
          size = .4) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = paletteMap)+
  labs(title = "House Proximity to Industrial Zoning \nand Sale Price", 
       subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
       caption = 'figure 4.6') +
cor.test(knownSales$Industrial.nn, knownSales$price, method = "pearson")

#Agricultural zoning
Agplot<- ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data= tracts19, fill = 'grey99', color = 'black')+
  geom_sf(data = Ag,color = 'green',fill = 'green', alpha = .85) +  
  geom_sf(data = AG_buffer_25,fill = 'green',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = AG_buffer_5,fill = 'green',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = AG_buffer_75,fill = 'green',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = AG_buffer_1,fill = 'green',color = NA,alpha = .1) +
  geom_sf(data = knownSales, aes(colour = q5(price)),
          size = .4) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = paletteMap)+
  labs(title = "House Proximity to Agriculture\nand Sale Price", 
       subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
       caption = 'figure 4.7') +
cor.test(knownSales$Ag.nn, knownSales$price, method = "pearson")

#Streams Plot
#streamplot<- ggplot() +
#  geom_sf(data= tracts19, fill = 'grey99', color = 'black')+
#  geom_sf(data = Streams,
#          fill = 'red',
#          alpha = .85) +  
#  geom_sf(data = Streams_buffer,
#          fill = 'red',
#          color = 'red',
#          alpha = .15) +
#  geom_sf(data = knownSales, aes(colour = q5(price)),
#          size = .4) +
#  scale_colour_manual(values = paletteMap)+
#  labs(title = "1/4 mi Stream Buffer and Home Sale Price", 
#       subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
#       caption = 'figure #') +
#  mapTheme()+plotTheme()
#show grid maps in markdown
grid.arrange(wfplot, geoplot, 
             floodplot,lakeplot, Businessplot, Industryplot, 
             Agplot, ncol=1, nrow =7)

III. Methods

Before we can begin to test regressions, we remove outliers revealed by our exploratory analysis, select relevant variables and engineer features to optimize our model. We can begin testing regressions to see which features have the best predictive power of our dependent variable. Our model includes internal house features, census tract data, and spatial features from Boulder County open data. We divide our observed home sale prices into a training and a test set and train our model with our predictors. We then run our model on the test data set which allows us to compare our models home sale prices to actual observed home sale prices. This will indicate where we can adjust features to improve our model.

#Building Regression Model
knownSales$LNlakes.nn <- log(knownSales$lakes.nn+1)
knownSales_nog <- st_drop_geometry(knownSales)

reg <- lm(LNprice ~ MedRent+ HouseAge+ PctMarried+BelPov100+wildfire.nn+geohazard.nn
          data = knownSales_nog)

#separate the test and training sets
inTrain <- createDataPartition(
  y = paste(knownSales$qualityCodeDscr, knownSales$designCodeDscr, knownSales$HeatingDscr),
  p = .60, list = FALSE)
boulder.training <- knownSales[inTrain,]
boulder.test <- knownSales[-inTrain,]  

#training regression
reg.training <-lm(LNprice ~ MedRent+ HouseAge+ PctMarried+BelPov100+wildfire.nn+geohazard.nn
                    LNTotalSF+designCodeDscr, data = boulder.training)

IV. Results

Table 2 describes our training regression results. an R2 of 0.7 indicates 70% of the variance in the sale price predictions is explained by the model. This is a relatively good statistic. Low p values in the majority of our predictors indicate statistical significance of the associated coefficients. The code chunk below Table 2 calculates the average sale price, the sale price mean absolute error (MAE), and the mean absolute percent error (MAPE) of our test regression.

                     header = FALSE,
                     single.row = TRUE,
                     title="Table 2: Training Regression Results",
## Table 2: Training Regression Results
## =================================================================
##                                           Dependent variable:    
##                                       ---------------------------
##                                                 LNprice          
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## MedRent                                    0.000*** (0.000)      
## HouseAge                                   0.001*** (0.000)      
## PctMarried                                  -0.1*** (0.01)       
## BelPov100                                   -0.000 (0.000)       
## wildfire.nn                                -0.000*** (0.000)     
## geohazard.nn                               -0.000*** (0.000)     
## LNlakes.nn                                  0.04*** (0.01)       
## floodzone.nn                               -0.000*** (0.000)     
## Ag.nn                                      -0.000*** (0.000)     
## Business.nn                                0.000*** (0.000)      
## LNIndustry                                    0.02 (0.01)        
## NumTrailHeads                               0.01*** (0.001)      
## bsmtSF                                     0.000*** (0.000)      
## HeatingDscrElectric                         -0.1*** (0.04)       
## HeatingDscrElectric Wall Heat (1500W)          0.1 (0.2)         
## HeatingDscrForced Air                        -0.1** (0.04)       
## HeatingDscrGravity                            -0.05 (0.1)        
## HeatingDscrHeat Pump                          -0.2 (0.1)         
## HeatingDscrHot Water                         -0.01 (0.04)        
## HeatingDscrNo HVAC                           0.8*** (0.2)        
## HeatingDscrPackage Unit                       -0.4 (0.3)         
## HeatingDscrRadiant Floor                      0.1** (0.1)        
## HeatingDscrVentilation Only                  -1.0*** (0.3)       
## HeatingDscrWall Furnace                       -0.1 (0.1)         
## TotalBach                                    0.000 (0.000)       
## MedHHInc                                   0.000*** (0.000)      
## TravelTime                                 -0.000*** (0.000)     
## nbrBedRoom                                  0.03*** (0.005)      
## qualityCodeDscrAVERAGE +                     0.1*** (0.02)       
## qualityCodeDscrAVERAGE ++                    0.1*** (0.02)       
## qualityCodeDscrEXCELLENT                     1.0*** (0.04)       
## qualityCodeDscrEXCELLENT +                   1.1*** (0.1)        
## qualityCodeDscrEXCELLENT++                   1.3*** (0.1)        
## qualityCodeDscrEXCEPTIONAL 1                 1.0*** (0.1)        
## qualityCodeDscrEXCEPTIONAL 2                 1.4*** (0.2)        
## qualityCodeDscrFAIR                         -0.3*** (0.04)       
## qualityCodeDscrGOOD                          0.2*** (0.01)       
## qualityCodeDscrGOOD +                        0.3*** (0.02)       
## qualityCodeDscrGOOD ++                       0.4*** (0.02)       
## qualityCodeDscrLOW                           -1.2*** (0.1)       
## qualityCodeDscrVERY GOOD                     0.5*** (0.02)       
## qualityCodeDscrVERY GOOD +                   0.7*** (0.03)       
## qualityCodeDscrVERY GOOD ++                  0.7*** (0.03)       
## LNTotalSF                                    0.2*** (0.01)       
## designCodeDscr2-3 Story                      -0.01 (0.01)        
## designCodeDscrBi-level                       -0.01 (0.02)        
## designCodeDscrMULTI STORY- TOWNHOUSE        -0.3*** (0.01)       
## designCodeDscrSplit-level                     0.01 (0.02)        
## Constant                                     11.7*** (0.1)       
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## Observations                                     6,852           
## R2                                                0.7            
## Adjusted R2                                       0.7            
## Residual Std. Error                         0.3 (df = 6803)      
## F Statistic                            333.2*** (df = 48; 6803)  
## =================================================================
## Note:                                 *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
#test regression on boulder.test
#transform the dependent variable back to standard units
boulder.test <-
  boulder.test %>%
  mutate(Regression = "Baseline Regression",
         SalePrice.Predict = exp(predict(reg.training, boulder.test)),
         SalePrice.Error = SalePrice.Predict - price,
         SalePrice.AbsError = abs(SalePrice.Predict - price),
         SalePrice.APE = (abs(SalePrice.Predict - price)) / SalePrice.Predict)%>%
  filter(price < 4000000)

mean(boulder.test$SalePrice.Predict, na.rm = T) 
## [1] 697779.5
#[1] 702689.4 average home sale price in the test set is $702,689.4 

mean(boulder.test$SalePrice.AbsError, na.rm = T)
## [1] 132076
#[1] 132808.1 - average absolute error is $160,063.7

mean(boulder.test$SalePrice.APE, na.rm = T)
## [1] 0.1804844
#[1]  0.1757006 - average absolute percent error is 17.57 % - model errs by 17.57%

As we see in our descriptive statistics table, the average observed home sale price is $746,382.6. the output above tells us that our model predicts the average to be $702,567.9. We also see that the average percent error is 17.8%, which is relatively accurate. On average, our model predicts $135,123 from the actual sale price.


We want to be sure our model is generalizing well. If our model is generalizable, we can confidently say the model will predict accurately across different groups, like houses and neighborhoods. To test this we run a k-fold cross validation test, where k = 100. This process splits our data set into 100 groups and measures the model’s goodness of fit across all 100 folds, thus quantifying it’s generalizability. The non-normal distribution of model errors in figure 5 indicate that the model may not be very generalizable. This is important to acknowledge moving forward. Table 3 gives the results of the test set of fold #71. We are able to see the R2 is higher than that of the entire model, and the MAE is pretty low at 12.9%, however this is just the result of one fold, and the histogram depicts a more accurate representation of how our model is performing.

#Test Generalizability
fitControl <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 100)

reg.cv <- 
  train(LNprice ~ MedRent+ HouseAge+ PctMarried+BelPov100+wildfire.nn+geohazard.nn
          TotalFinishedSF+designCodeDscr, data = st_drop_geometry(knownSales),
        method = "lm", trControl = fitControl, na.action = na.pass)


reg.cv.rs.min <- reg.cv$resample[71,]
reg.cv.rs.min %>%                     
  gather(Variable, Value) %>%
  group_by(Variable) %>%
  spread(Variable, Value) %>%
  kable(caption = "Table 3: Regression Results of One Test Set") %>%
  kable_classic(full_width = F, html_font = "Helvetica")
Table 3: Regression Results of One Test Set
MAE Resample RMSE Rsquared
0.129555041234495 Fold071 0.168399197303377 0.886183902533437
ggplot(reg.cv$resample, aes(x=MAE)) +
  geom_histogram() +
  labs(title = "Mean Average Error in Cross Validation Tests",
       caption = "Figure.ue 5") +

Spatial Clustering of Errors

In this step we check to see if the residuals are clustered in space. Figure 6 plots our errors in space, which appear to be randomly distributed across census tracts, which may suggest that low generalizability is potentially unrelated to spatial processes. Figure 7 depicts a scatter plot of the spatial lag of price errors. The plot shows that as price decreases, the average spatial lag of the 5 nearest neighbor to that home price increases.

#Map of test set residuals

boulder.test$resid <- 
  boulder.test %>%
  as_data_frame() %>%
  add_residuals(., reg.training, var = "resid") %>%
  dplyr::select(resid) %>%

  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data= tracts19, fill = 'grey99', color = 'black')+
    geom_sf(data = boulder.test, aes(colour = q5(resid)), alpha = .25, size = 1) +
    scale_colour_manual(values = palette5) +
   labs(title = "Test Set Residual Errors",
        subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
        caption = "Figure. 6") +

#Test Spatial Clustering

coords <- st_coordinates(knownSales)
neighborList <- knn2nb(knearneigh(coords, 5)) #5 nearest neighborhoods
spatialWeights <- nb2listw(neighborList, style="W") #not sure what is W here
knownSales$lagPrice <- lag.listw(spatialWeights, knownSales$price)

coords.test <-  st_c(boulder.test) 
neighborList.test <- knn2nb(knearneigh(coords.test, 5))
spatialWeights.test <- nb2listw(neighborList.test, style="W")
boulder.test %>%                
  mutate(lagPriceError = lag.listw(spatialWeights.test, SalePrice.Error)) %>%  
  ggplot(aes(lagPriceError, price)) +
  geom_point(size=2, shape=20, color = 'orange') +
  stat_smooth(aes(lagPriceError, price), 
             method = "lm", se = FALSE, size = 1, colour="green")+
  labs(x = 'Spatial lag of errors (Mean error of 5 nearest neighors)',
       y = 'Sale Price',
    title = "Spatial Lag of Price Errors",
    caption = "Figure. 7") +

Moran’s I is a statistic which indicates the presence of spatial autocorrelation. The statistic alone is not intuitive to interpret, so we then perform a test which calculates 999 random permutations. We compare our model’s Moran’s I statistic to the result of the random permutations to see the probability of getting a Moran’s I as high or as low as ours if there is in fact no spatial autocorrelation of our dependent variable. The histogram in figure 8 shows us that our Moran’s I is just over 2.5, higher than all of the 999 randomly generated I’s, which means there is strong evidence of clustered spatial autocorrelation of our errors, this means the variation in price is likely related to the spatial process


moranTest <- moran.mc(boulder.test$SalePrice.Error, 
                      spatialWeights.test, nsim = 999)

ggplot(as.data.frame(moranTest$res[c(1:999)]), aes(moranTest$res[c(1:999)])) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = moranTest$statistic), colour = "#FA7800",size=1) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-1, 1)) +
  labs(title="Observed and permuted Moran's I",
       subtitle= "Observed Moran's I in orange",
       x="Moran's I",
       caption = "Figure. 8") +

#histogram to show frequency of all 999 randomly permutated I 
#the observed I is higher than all 999 randomly generated I's suggests 
#strong evidence for spatial autocorrelation. 
#both spatial lag test and moran's I confirm spatial autocorrelation - this
#suggests that variation in price likely related to the spatial process
#has been omitted from our current model
Accounting For Spatial Process

The next step of this analysis is to incorporate the neighborhood fixed effect into our model to account for the spatial process at the neighborhood scale. In this analysis we use Census tracts as “neighborhoods.” We acknowledge this may not be the most accurate indicator of spatial autocorrelation because we know that census tracts are arbitrarily drawn. Table 4 shows average price and average prediction for each census tract in Boulder County.

#Neighorhood Fixed Effect - accounting for the neighborhood
#Join bytract since we dont have neighborhood data

  st_drop_geometry(boulder.test) %>%
    group_by(GEOID) %>%
    summarize(meanPrice = mean(price, na.rm = T)),
  mutate(boulder.test, predict.fe = 
           predict(lm(price ~ GEOID, data = boulder.test), 
                   boulder.test)) %>%
    st_drop_geometry %>%
    group_by(GEOID) %>%
    summarize(meanPrediction = mean(predict.fe))) %>%
  kable(caption = "Table 4") %>% kable_styling('striped', html_font = 'helvetica')
Table 4
GEOID meanPrice meanPrediction
08013012101 1860198.0 1860198.0
08013012102 1221396.8 1221396.8
08013012103 1292621.6 1292621.6
08013012104 1381165.5 1381165.5
08013012105 1240310.0 1240310.0
08013012201 1703857.4 1703857.4
08013012202 1108435.0 1108435.0
08013012203 554912.1 554912.1
08013012204 1559528.6 1559528.6
08013012401 1339185.2 1339185.2
08013012501 783974.1 783974.1
08013012505 1405498.1 1405498.1
08013012507 682041.2 682041.2
08013012508 714300.0 714300.0
08013012509 976918.9 976918.9
08013012510 1080151.0 1080151.0
08013012511 968650.0 968650.0
08013012603 991194.4 991194.4
08013012605 821000.0 821000.0
08013012607 700136.4 700136.4
08013012608 669405.4 669405.4
08013012701 1008454.5 1008454.5
08013012705 686738.5 686738.5
08013012707 1405152.9 1405152.9
08013012708 918707.1 918707.1
08013012709 652489.5 652489.5
08013012710 1227701.1 1227701.1
08013012800 648859.1 648859.1
08013012903 681694.7 681694.7
08013012904 613631.7 613631.7
08013012905 552564.5 552564.5
08013012907 553178.9 553178.9
08013013003 785234.7 785234.7
08013013004 711674.4 711674.4
08013013005 794410.0 794410.0
08013013006 757098.8 757098.8
08013013201 1000815.0 1000815.0
08013013202 1499750.0 1499750.0
08013013205 1130811.2 1130811.2
08013013207 542164.7 542164.7
08013013208 470477.3 470477.3
08013013210 375753.1 375753.1
08013013211 599515.4 599515.4
08013013212 465410.0 465410.0
08013013213 708781.6 708781.6
08013013302 494697.9 494697.9
08013013305 383632.4 383632.4
08013013306 377861.0 377861.0
08013013307 384068.1 384068.1
08013013308 403241.3 403241.3
08013013401 407461.2 407461.2
08013013402 451327.4 451327.4
08013013503 398889.4 398889.4
08013013505 373572.7 373572.7
08013013506 480748.4 480748.4
08013013507 407036.2 407036.2
08013013508 510706.3 510706.3
08013013601 751512.2 751512.2
08013013602 431713.9 431713.9
08013013701 986575.6 986575.6
08013013702 618076.0 618076.0
08013060600 640237.2 640237.2
08013060700 725423.0 725423.0
08013060800 489477.6 489477.6
08013060900 677907.0 677907.0
08013061300 778994.8 778994.8
08013061400 731447.7 731447.7
reg.tract <- lm(LNprice ~ ., data = as.data.frame(boulder.training) %>% 
                  dplyr::select(LNprice, GEOID, MedRent, HouseAge, PctMarried, BelPov100, wildfire.nn, geohazard.nn,
                                LNlakes.nn, floodzone.nn, Ag.nn, Business.nn, Industrial.nn, NumTrailHeads, 
                                bsmtSF, HeatingDscr, TotalBach,
                                MedHHInc, TravelTime, nbrBedRoom, qualityCodeDscr,
                                TotalFinishedSF, designCodeDscr))
boulder.test.tract <-
  boulder.test %>%
  mutate(Regression = "Neighborhood Effects",
         SalePrice.Predict = exp(predict(reg.tract, boulder.test)),
         SalePrice.Error = SalePrice.Predict - price,
         SalePrice.AbsError = abs(SalePrice.Predict - price),
         SalePrice.APE = (abs(SalePrice.Predict - price)) / SalePrice.Predict)%>%
  filter(price < 4000000)

We run a new regression which uses Census tract as a predictor of home sale price. Figure 9 indicates our model is pretty accurate, but there is marginal improvement after adding the spatial component Where the orange line represents a perfect prediction and the green line represents our model’s prediction. Table 5 better describes the difference between our baseline model and the neighborhood effects model. Using the neighborhood fixed effects model, the absolute error of our predicted sale price decreases by about $20,000, which tells us the model has improved. We also see our mean absolute percent error(MAPE) decreases by 2.5%, also a good sign.

bothRegressions <- 
    dplyr::select(boulder.test, starts_with("SalePrice"), price, Regression, GEOID) %>%
      mutate(lagPriceError = lag.listw(spatialWeights.test, SalePrice.Error)),
    dplyr::select(boulder.test.tract, starts_with("SalePrice"), price, Regression, GEOID) %>%
      mutate(lagPriceError = lag.listw(spatialWeights.test, SalePrice.Error)))

bothRegressions %>%
  dplyr::select(SalePrice.Predict,price, Regression) %>%
  ggplot(aes(price, SalePrice.Predict)) +
  geom_point(size = 1) +
  stat_smooth(aes(price, price), 
              method = "lm", se = FALSE, size = 1, colour="#FA7800") + 
  stat_smooth(aes(SalePrice.Predict, price), 
              method = "lm", se = FALSE, size = 1, colour="#25CB10") +
  facet_wrap(~Regression) +
  labs(title="Predicted sale price as a function of observed price",
       subtitle="Orange line represents a perfect prediction; Green line represents prediction",
       caption = "Figure: 9") +

both.reg <- st_drop_geometry(bothRegressions) %>%
  gather(Variable, Value, -Regression, -GEOID) %>%
  filter(Variable == "SalePrice.AbsError" | Variable == "SalePrice.APE") %>%
  group_by(Regression, Variable) %>%
  summarize(meanValue = mean(Value, na.rm = T)) %>%
  spread(Variable, meanValue) %>%
  kable(caption = "Table 5")%>%kable_styling()
Table 5
Regression SalePrice.AbsError SalePrice.APE
Baseline Regression 132076.0 0.1804844
Neighborhood Effects 116602.2 0.1558242

Figure 10 illustrates clustering of our predicted home prices in and around downtown Boulder, wich follows the same patterns as the known home sale prices. Figure 11 depicts the spatial distribution of our model’s errors. We can see from this map, that the mean average percentage error is highest both where home prices are higher, and also in the large tracts to the west which represent primarily undeveloped mountainous park land. This could be explained by the wide range of home sale prices in these tracts because of the comparative size. Figure 12 further illustrates the varying relationships between MAPE and mean house price by census tract. From this chart, we may be able to say as Mean price by census tract increases, the MAPE by census tract slightly increases as well. With the MAPE being inconsistent across Census tracts and associated average home sale prices, we may say this is further evidence that our model is not as generalizable as it could be.

housesPredictions <-                   
  HouseData %>%
  mutate(prediction = exp(predict(reg.tract, HouseData)),
         team_name = 'HROS')

predictions <- housesPredictions[,c("prediction", "team_name", "toPredict")] %>%
  st_drop_geometry() %>%
  filter(toPredict == 1) %>%

predictplot<- ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data= tracts19, fill = 'grey99', color = 'black')+
  geom_sf(data = housesPredictions, aes(colour = q5(prediction)))+ 
  scale_colour_manual(values = paletteMap)+
  labs(title = "Predicted Sale Price Values", 
       subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
       caption = 'Figure. 10') +


st_drop_geometry(bothRegressions) %>%
  group_by(Regression, GEOID)%>%
  summarise(mean.MAPE = mean(SalePrice.APE, na.rm = T)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  left_join(tracts19) %>%
  st_as_sf() %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(colour = "gray", aes(fill = q5(mean.MAPE))) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = paletteMap) +
  labs(title = "Mean Average Percentage Error by Neighborhood",
       subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
       caption = "Figure. 11") +

scatter_tracts <-
  boulder.test.tract %>%
  group_by(GEOID) %>%
  dplyr::select(GEOID, SalePrice.APE, SalePrice.Predict)

mean_sca_t <-
  scatter_tracts %>%
  group_by(GEOID) %>%
  summarise_at(vars("SalePrice.APE", "SalePrice.Predict"), mean)

  geom_point(data = mean_sca_t, 
             size = 2,
             color = "#003A6B" )+
  labs(x = 'Mean Price by Census Tract',
       y = 'MAPE by Census Tract',
       title = "MAPE by Census Tract and Mean Price by Census Tract", 
       subtitle = "Boulder County, CO",
       caption = "Figure. 12") + 

We next look at how well our model predicts prices across different racial and income contexts. Boulder County, as illustrated in figure 13, has very low variety in racial and socioeconomic diversity. We would ideally split the census tracts at a 50% threshold to indicate majority white and majority non-white, however, data indicates that every census tract in Boulder County is majority white. For the purpose of testing our model on racial context, we set the threshold at at least 80% White. Figure 13 shows the race context, and also indicates the majority of tracts are in the “High Income” category, which is defined by having an average household income above the US average household income of $65,000. Tables 6 and 7 show us that while the neighborhood effects model still has better overall predictive power, both models have a higher MAPE in Census tracts with an average household income lower than the US average. It is also interesting to note that the neighborhood effects model has the same MAPE in tracts differentiated by their racial context.

tracts19<- tracts19%>%
  mutate(raceContext = ifelse(PctWhite > .8, "At least \n80% White", "At most 20% \nNon-White"),
       incomeContext = ifelse(MedHHInc > 65000, "High Income", "Low Income"))

grid.arrange(ncol = 2,
             ggplot() + geom_sf(data = na.omit(tracts19), aes(fill = raceContext)) +
               scale_fill_manual(values = c("#25CB10", "#FA7800"), name="Race Context") +
               labs(title = "Race Context") +
               mapTheme() + theme(legend.position="bottom"), 
             ggplot() + geom_sf(data = na.omit(tracts19), aes(fill = incomeContext)) +
               scale_fill_manual(values = c("#25CB10", "#FA7800"), name="Income Context") +
               labs(title = "Income Context",
                    caption = "Figure. 13") +
               mapTheme() + theme(legend.position="bottom"))

st_join(bothRegressions, tracts19) %>% 
  group_by(Regression, raceContext) %>%
  summarize(mean.MAPE = scales::percent(mean(SalePrice.APE, na.rm = T))) %>%
  st_drop_geometry() %>%
  spread(raceContext, mean.MAPE) %>%
  kable(caption = "Table 6: Test set MAPE by neighborhood racial context")%>%kable_styling()
Table 6: Test set MAPE by neighborhood racial context
Regression At least 80% White At most 20% Non-White
Baseline Regression 18% 16%
Neighborhood Effects 16% 15%
st_join(bothRegressions, tracts19) %>% 
  filter(!is.na(incomeContext)) %>%
  group_by(Regression, incomeContext) %>%
  summarize(mean.MAPE = scales::percent(mean(SalePrice.APE, na.rm = T))) %>%
  st_drop_geometry() %>%
  spread(incomeContext, mean.MAPE) %>%
  kable(caption = "Table 7: Test set MAPE by neighborhood income context")%>%kable_styling()
Table 7: Test set MAPE by neighborhood income context
Regression High Income Low Income
Baseline Regression 18% 22%
Neighborhood Effects 15% 18%

V. Discussion & Conclusion

We have wrangled and included a range of variables from demographic to geographic which have proved to have an impact on home sale price. As predicted the housing costs are higher closer to the Boulder downtown, Lakes, reservoirs and industrial areas but relatively low and have a negative relation to areas closer to wild fire and geo-hazard areas. Given the MAEP is relatively low for both low income and high income group, with low income having slightly higher error. We think that might be due to the bias of the study area, which is a very wealthy county.

Overall, our model is relatively effective at predicting home sale prices, however it does not appear to be generalizable which is a crucial part of making sure our model performs accurately across both space and time. From the results of this analysis, we believe there should be more iterations of this model produced before it is utilized as a business algorithm. There are other models we may use to predict home prices which account for the spatial processes happneing within our dependent variable and our independent predictions, which should be considered in further analysis of building the optimal model for Zillow to use.